Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We lived in San Francisco for years. One of the most surprising things about living there is the lack of seasons. Well unless you count the following three; sunny during the day, foggy at night, foggy during day and night, and the rain all day long. These three osculate between each other. There isn't always a day where it will go from foggy all the time to sunny during the day and foggy at night and last for 4 months. The foliage was completely different so you couldn't walk outside and say "oh, huh, looks like Oct." None of that.

For the first time since we lived here it has actually felt like fall. There are trees in Marin whose leaves change with the season. When we first moved here, we caught the tail end of summer with warm summer nights. We just thought it was hot, now I am thinking that was summer! Funny that we moved 11 miles away from our old apartment and the climate is so different. I am not going to lie, but this is a nice change, since Fall was the one season I missed the most. The leaves change and add color to landscape. You can finally wear turtleneck sweaters, and no one judges you. Boots come out of the closet, for me these are not "functional" boots.

I will take this seasonal stuff. It really feels like we moved! Goodbye fog, and hello crisp fall mornings!

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