Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our first Tsunami, a little bit of a let down.

There is something about the weather service and their list of warnings, watches, bulletins and special reports that send people into a huge downward spiral. Last evening, I moved my car and instructed Ben to do the same. Then I went outside and secured Haddie and Old Yeller (our boats). Granted Old Yeller is now actually tied up to the house because I did not know what else to do for him. Then we sat and waited.

I felt like we had a lot of warning time. Growing up with tornadoes you get at least 30-60 mins of warning time. Earthquakes you get nothing. Yesterday was a bit strange because we had over 4 hours to get "prepared." And the content of the warnings seemed a bit dire. I get it that they need to prepare people for the worst, but still it sends people into a tailspin.

At 9:35 last night there was a huge gust of wind out of nowhere. Ben and I looked at each other, and of course did what all humans should do when faced with strange natural occurrence. We went outside and stood on the deck. It should be noted that if things were really bad we would have heard the warning sirens, and trust me they are loud here. The tide was not as high as the high tide picture I posted on Sept 18th. The waves were more defined and maybe 7 inches tall, which stood out to us because it is usually flat in our canal. Then that was it.

This morning all people and property are fine! The Chronicle doesn't even have any coverage of the Great San Francisco Tsunami of 2009. Their main focus is of course the beginning of it all in Somoa, which is no joke. The tsunami wasn't the 60 foot wall of waves that I had envisioned! I guess after traveling thousands of miles, like any traveler it was a bit too tired to rage on another town.

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