Our "sidewalk" is a dock. Therefore it is made out of wood. Duh! It is a pretty long walk and most of the time it is really beautiful. I find myself just sort of gazing up and taking in the view.
The other day I was "initiated" into the world of wooden docks. I got my first sliver. Now I am not really sure how this went down. All of a sudden I sort of felt a pain on the top of my toe. I looked down and saw a 3" piece of wood come up through the side of my flip flop and up into it. Yes, I was wearing flip flops. Then I noticed on the top of my big toe, I had two slivers. Ick! Don't worry they were quickly removed.
Ah, such is the life of the wooden dock. I guess I will not be skipping down the dock with bare feet anytime soon.
Trust me I am still wearing my flippy-floppies!
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